
Privacy statement

Privacy Statement

I find it highly important that data management activities are always carried out in compliance with Act LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Disclosure of Information of Public Interest (Data Protection Act), the data protection practices established by the activities of the Data Protection Commissioner and the most important international data protection recommendations.

I hereby inform the visitors to my website (www.soprontours.com) on personal data management activities, personal data management practices, the technical measures taken to protect personal data as well as the way and possibilities of exercising the rights of the effected parties.

Name, contact data of the data manager:

Kőrös Ildikó

Seat: H-9400 Sopron, Gyóni Géza u. 8. 2/3., Hungary

Email: koros.ildiko@gmail.com

Phone: +36 20 9716612

Legal basis and definition of data management

Website visit related data management activities take place based on the voluntary consent of users. The consent is given by way of the use of the website and provision of personal data.

During the use of the website the data manager automatically registers the IP address of the user, the type of the operation system and the browser that is being used as well as other information. These data are continuously logged but they are not linked to any other data. These registered data are exclusively used for the purpose of website visit analyses and statistical information.

Computers of non-registered users are identified by so called cookies. In this case no personal data management activity takes place.

Management of information, collected through logging by the data manager as well as use of cookies, merely serve statistical purposes.

I pay attention to the lawful use of e-mail addresses and do not use them to send advertisements.

Durance of data management

The log data – except for the last visit that is automatically overwritten – are stored for 12 months from the date of the creation of the log.

Transfer of data, data processing, data security

Personal data obtained shall not be transferred to third parties – save in cases specified by the law. Transfer of personal data can only take place in compliance with the relevant laws or the consent of the data subject, as set out therein.

I take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the personal data provided by users both during network communication and data storage. I strive to protect these data from unauthorized access, alteration, transfer, publication, deletion, incidental destruction or damage. The data manager stores the personal data within the territory of the Republic of Hungary, in a server located in Fertőszentmiklós.

Rights of users and their enforcement

Upon request, the data manager shall give information on data managed, purpose of data management, its legal basis, durance and ont he fact that who and for what purpose receives the data. The data manager shall respond to such requests in writing, within 30 days upon submission of the respective request.

The user is entitled to request specification of improperly registered data or the deletion of it at any time. The data manager shall delete the data within 15 working days upon the receipt of the request and such data will not be recoverable.

Data subjects may use the below contacts to exercise their rights: koros.ildiko@gmail.com

According to the provisions of the Data Protection Act and the Civil Code (Act IV. of 1959.) users may enforce their rights at court and may seek assistance of the Data Protection Commissioner: http://abiweb.obh.hu

Amendment of the Privacy Policy

The data manager retains the right to unilaterally amend this Privacy Statement. Subsequent to the amendment’s entry into force users approve the amended data protection statement by way of implied conduct, i.e. with the use of the service.